How to install your Pre-Pasted Wallpaper Map
STEP 1 - Prep Your Wall
Proper preparation of your wall is critical!
Ensure the wall has been previously primed prior to painting (otherwise the paint may bubble and come off). Regarding newly painted surfaces, please allow 30 days for the paint to fully cure.
Repair any visible defects, smooth out bumps and patch holes to ensure your wall is smooth and flat. If possible, remove all picture hooks, light fixtures and switch plates.
Wash off any dirt, hair, dust or residue from old wallpaper with a damp cloth or a duster.
STEP 2 - Getting Ready
Get a friend to help you! Two people will make the installation process much easier and faster.
Open the sturdy Customaps packaging tube. Inside you will find your map. Look for the panel number on the back of each one. Panel#1 is the first panel on the left.
Unroll all panels and lay them flat on the floor, the adhesive side facing the ceiling. Spray water to the back of the 1st panel until thoroughly saturated, or place in a dip tray.
Gently fold the sheet with adhesive parts facing each other to keep moist and allow adhesive paste to activate. Then, set aside for 3 minutes.
STEP 3 - Install It
Unfold the 1st panel and place onto a wall from top to bottom. Since the panel is wet, you will have a few minutes to perfectly slide it into place.
Carefully smooth out bubbles and creases using a broad smoothing brush, not a squeegee, from the middle of the sheet out.
If necessary, re-spray with water around the edges during the entire process.
Allow surface to be dry to the touch and wipe off any excess adhesive using a damp cloth or sponge.
Repeat the same process to apply all following panels by butting the panels edge to edge.
STEP 4 - Trim Excess
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with an utility knife with a sharp fresh blade (ie: Xacto knife). You may follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so, however we recommend using a ruler to cut through a straight line.
If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets, fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.
Spray the surface of the mural with water, allowing the water-based adhesive to relax for easier removal.
Start at the top of the image and remove a 6-8" section of the panel completely, and then continue to draw the product back on itself at a 180° degree angle until the map is completely removed.
In instances where the substrate appears to be very tightly bonded to the surface, spray more water.
After moistening the surface, allow the map to stand for 60-90 seconds and then return to peeling the map back upon itself.
Use a wet cloth to remove any remaining adhesive from the wall.